With the weather wet and temperatures (finally!) rising, it’s starting to really feel like spring in Waterloo Region. With the fear of surprise ice storms and snow fall just about gone, it’s about time to prepare for the coming warm months. The transition from cold to warm is a harsh one here, so hop to it to ease your home into its Spring and Summer ready self!
Let’s work our way into the home, starting with the lawn and exterior: During the cooler months it’s common for gutters to get clogged, something not so worrisome in Winter but imperative to clean out in Spring and Summer as to prevent leaks in the home. Like gutters, in the Winter we tend to leave our windows alone in terms of cleaning. However, with the sun finally coming out to play and the world greening up again, now is the perfect time to give your exterior windows a good wipe down to let that sunshine through properly.
Speaking of greening, with the sun finally coming out to play it’s no more dull brown lawns but the growth of vibrant green filled ones. Get a start on your lawn care regiment early to have a luscious lawn this Summer and make sure your garden is clean and weeded in anticipation of coming flowers and fruits. For those with a patio, now is the time to give your patio furniture a good clean to wash off the dust accumulated during winter and get them sparkling and ready for use. If you have a barbeque, make sure to give it a good clean too!
For the interior of your home, start with fresh air and water filters to keep that Spring transition fresh both outside and inside. While you're at it, check fire and carbon monoxide alarms to keep your home both beautiful and safe. For those among us who have a green thumb, start plants inside before moving them out once the weather really starts to warm. Or, grab some herbs and small pots and get an indoor herb garden going. If you feel like a refresh from the cosier winter months, try rearranging furniture to give a room a new feel or switch out things like throw pillows, blankets, and curtains to lighter colours.
With the weather in perfect balance between hot and cold, now is the time to get stuff done!