Patterns, Patterns, Patterns

Patterns, Patterns, Patterns

Patterns, Patterns, Patterns

With the weather chilly and the skies gloomy this time of year, one’s home could use a bit of cheering up. A simple way to add some spice to your decor and brighten up a home is incorporating some patterns. Whether it be a funky wallpaper, a spicy throw pillow, and a fun throw blanket, adding some patterns to your home is never a bad choice.


When thinking of patterns, many images may come to mind; Chevron, animal, polka dot, striped. Each can add some spice to a room, but mixing patterns can be a unique way to add even more fun to your home. Striped and polka dot is a great pair for example, contrasting harsh lines and rounded dots making quite the look. Pairing the cleanness of a chevron with the roughness of animal print, like cheetah or cow, adds its own visual appeal. Don’t be afraid to mix and match patterns and colours!


For those looking to make more of a statement, try out a statement wall. Wallpapers, often seen as tacky in the past, are back in style and can truly elevate a room. If you find a wall boring or in need of a change, try adding a funky patterned wallpaper and some floating shelves. Even for renters, as removal wallpapers can be found on many online realtors. Don’t be afraid to try something out, be bold!


For those with simpler tastes in couches and throw pillows, a single patterned throw blanket can add the perfect amount of drama. Easy to find in home stores or shops such as Winners or Marshalls, a patterned throw blanket can add a pop to an otherwise simple space. Simple changes or additions can make a big change.

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