How To Pack Your House For A Move

The Moving Process

How To Pack Your House For A Move

If you have already decided to buy and or sell your home, at some point you have to begin the moving process. In order to keep it as simple as possible, read through the below ten steps!

1. Start Packing Early

Packing and preparing for a move is a difficult and time-consuming process. Give yourself a head start by planning ahead and starting early. You’ll be more organized and avoid having a frantic rush at the end. 

2. Box & Label

Give each box a unique and specific label. The labels will allow you to easily tell them apart and pinpoint the exact box you’re looking for. If you have multiple boxes with the same label, numbering or color coding them will help differentiate them. 

3. Take Inventory

In addition to numbering and color coding, inventory should also be taken. This is especially important if working with a moving company. Make a list of every item and box that goes on the moving truck and keep track of them as they come off. This will allow you to easily check if any boxes get lost or go missing.  

4. Nest Your Items

Put small items in small boxes and those small boxes into bigger boxes. Not only will this help protect the small items, but this will also help prevent small boxes from getting lost or damaged.  

5. Documents & Files

Keep personal financial information and important documents in a safe and secure location. These documents should be kept on hand to avoid the possibility of losing them during the move. 

6. Room by Room

Pack one room fully before moving on to the next. Going room by room will help keep the move organized and reduce overall clutter. Boxes will also be more organized and easier to unpack as the items will all belong to the same room. 

7. First Night Bag

Pack all your essentials and take it with you. This should include toiletries, chargers, soap, toilet paper, etc. This will eliminate the possibility of having to dig through boxes to find what you’re looking for. 

8. Books at the Bottom

Instead of packing all the books in one box, spread them out and pack them at the bottom of each box. This will help distribute the weight across the boxes instead of having a single heavy box. 

9. Change Mailing Info

Make sure you forward all your mail and alert the companies that use your address for billing purposes. You can inform the post office by submitting a change of address form online. Some memberships and subscriptions may require calling in to change.   

10. Plan the Big Day

Communicate with everyone involved to make a plan for the day. Planning ahead will help keep everyone on the same page and make the day much more efficient. Decide what needs to be moved first and where furniture and boxes will go after the move. Make sure to plan for moving day meals and snacks as well.   

If you are planning on moving soon, let's connect! During the process, we have a guide with streamlined checklists that ensure you are not missing a detail, complete with a list of utility providers in our area, and much more.

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